Anti-rust. When you have finished washing and wiping down a cast-iron pot, swipe it out with a brewed-out tea bag. Why? “The tannins [chemical compounds] in the tea create a rust-preventing layer” in the pot, according to a past past edition of...
When adding dried fruit to recipes. Soak them in hot tea (any flavor) to make them plump and moist. When baking, replace water in the ingredients with Earl Grey tea for extra flavor. Tea also works as a meat tenderizer. Marinate inexpensive cuts of meat in tea or add...
Place a dish of tea leaves in your refrigerator to keep it smelling fresh. Put dry tea leaves in a knee high and stuff it into shoes and sneakers to keep them smelling fresh. Remove fish and onion odors from your hands by rinsing them with cooled tea. Tea bags make...
Add your tea leaves to acid loving plants like hydrangeas, azaleas and holly trees. Tea makes a good fertilizer because it produces nitrogen, phosphoric acid, manganese and potash, nutrients which plants need to thrive. A cup of tea leaves steeped for fifteen minutes...
Add your tea leaves to acid loving plants like hydrangeas, azaleas and holly trees. Tea makes a good fertilizer because it produces nitrogen, phosphoric acid, manganese and potash, nutrients which plants need to thrive. A cup of tea leaves steeped for fifteen minutes...